Herbs for potency

Herbs for the potency used in traditional and non-traditional medicine around the world. Feature of medicinal plants is a direct effect on the reproductive system, the body as a whole. The main advantage of herbal medication is the lack of secondary effects.

The use of herbs for male potency

herbs for potency

Erectile dysfunction occurs for a variety of reasons. But in the majority of cases, the negative emotional environment, severe stress, physical fatigue, excess weight, sedentary lifestyles, alcohol, poor diet, hormonal failure, total exhaustion.

In these cases, normalize the power of a global approach is needed, where it is necessary to reduce the influence of negative factors, which help the body to recover. It is inappropriate to use the facilities at artificial erection, such as viagra. The result will be temporary and the situation will worsen even more.

The use of herbs for potency men is one of the best treatment options. Know the properties of some plants to increase sexual desire, improve the erection, normalize hormonal balance, has been known since antiquity. Teas increase the power of the East men were treated by men in the Old Russia. It is now used together with modern pharmacy means.

Herbs act in different directions:

  • dilates the blood vessels, normalize blood pressure;
  • increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • improve the condition of the blood vessels;
  • keep the tone of the muscle tissue;
  • increase the production of testosterone;
  • improve the functioning of the gland of the prostate;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • replenish the supply of energy;
  • add force, increased self-esteem;
  • save of the depression, the insomnia.

The herbs are beneficial for the whole body, restore the functions of the reproductive system occurs slowly, in a natural way.

It is possible to increase the power at home

Turn to the experts with the weakening of libido not all men. However, if you have painful symptoms it makes sense for a complete examination. If the violation of potency is not related to the disease, you can deal with the problem at home.

  • In the first place, it is necessary to eliminate the influence of negative factors. Then you need a good rest. To bring up the nervous system, it is recommended herbal tea with a sedative effect. This drink saves you from insomnia, eliminates irritability, nervousness.
  • Should reconsider the way of life. The lack of movement leads to poor circulation. Suffers the whole body, especially on the genitals. Exercise, long walks to establish circulation and stimulate the production of the male hormone – testosterone, which is directly linked to libido, erection, orgasm, ejaculation.
  • To improve the flow of blood to the organs pelvic for special use of plants or spices. Immediately before the therapy should consult a specialist if there are problems with the blood pressure, the heart.
  • Nutrition – another important link to the success. Diet helps to get rid of excess weight, normalize hormones. To accelerate metabolism, eliminate fat, prevent the formation of medicinal plants and herbs.
  • In order to eliminate the influence of bad habits. Helps to reduce the erection alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes.

At home, you can recover, to strengthen the potency without drugs, in particular drugs. You have to arm yourself with the knowledge, gain a little bit of patience, change the way of life.

A list of the best herbs

what herbs for potency

Most effective, the plant must be adapted to the individual characteristics of the organism, the problems that caused temporary impotence.


For the treatment used only to ginseng. The raw materials can be bought in the pharmacy. The effect on the male body is to increase libido and increase pleasure, prolong sexual intercourse. Ginseng is a Viagra natural, which acts almost immediately, but without the side effects.


In the composition of the root of the substances that promote the flow of blood to the organs pelvic, the celebration of the erection for a long time. Along with this, the ginseng has a favourable effect on the whole body – normalizes blood pressure, removes chronic fatigue, increases energy reserves, builds the brain, the Central nervous system. Ginseng increases immunity, helps to cope with stress, eliminates drowsiness, enhances the performance.


Inflammatory and infectious processes bleeding. Individual intolerance manifested by nausea, headache, vomiting, rashes on the skin. In this case, interrupt the treatment immediately.


Use a potion in the form of tincture, decoction.

  • Pour 20 g of dry ginseng 200 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. Stop investing in a container of glass at least a week. Take 20 drops before meals three times a day. Course of therapy of not more than one month. After the break you can repeat.
  • Rhizome ginseng – 30 grams is mixed with the liquid honey, about 700 ml. Stop investing day. Accept 3 times a day 1 teaspoon before meals. Allows the treatment within 2 months.

The pharmacy is the sale finished alcohol tincture of Ginseng. Take in accordance with the instructions.


Russian is considered as an aphrodisiac. Directly affect the reproductive system, of the whole body.


Of about 70 minerals that affect the male body. Thanks to the active components of the herbs cleanses the body, rejuvenates the cells, normalizes gastrointestinal tract, improves blood circulation, adjusts the function of the reproductive system. Stimulates endocrine system and normalizes the levels of the hormone. Increase the amount of testosterone – increases libido, there comes a persistent erection, increase of the sensitivity.


The therapeutic properties of whole plant.

  • Leaves pour boiling water, infuse for about 10 minutes. Add to taste sugar or honey. Drink tea instead of the usual two times a day.
  • Chopped ginger root – 2 tablespoons pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil 15 minutes. Take 200 ml daily 1 hour before Breakfast or dinner. The course of treatment – 2 weeks.

Willow-herb has no contraindications, except individual intolerance.


Medicinal properties of the root.


The influence of plants on the body of men is to strengthen the immune system, improves the immune system, normalization of the gland of the prostate. Increase the amount of semen, the improvement of the quality of the sperm. Recommended for abnormal ejaculation. Made up of a large amount of ascorbic acid, minerals and trace element of rubber.


You can't use a cure for gastritis with high acidity, ulcer gastric. Before use it is necessary to consult with a specialist.


A piece of root can be chewed as chewing gum several times a day. Or prepare the decoction, tincture.

  • 1 tablespoon roots pour 200 ml of water, steamed for a few minutes on a low heat, cover with a towel. Take 50 ml per day before meals.
  • 100 g of crushed root pour 1 liter of vodka. Insisting on a container of glass at least 1 week. Take 1 tbsp. a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

The duration of therapy should not be more than a month.


Petrushka for potency

A this natural aphrodisiac that contains all the necessary nutrients for the male body.


Parsley inhibits the production of estrogen, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone. Due to this recovery of power is produced in a natural way. On the other hand, parsley root increases the blood circulation in the organs pelvic, contributes to persistent and prolonged erection.


The green part of the plant, the root can be used in almost everything, but in doses reasonable. It should not be abused. Direct contraindication is the presence of the disease nephritis.


Parsley can be consumed raw, and pour boiling water. Useful properties of increasing the power is not lost.

  • Fresh parsley mixed in equal proportions with cilantro. Eat 1 tablespoon. spoon before the main meal. Can be used for seasoning vegetable salads.
  • Pour the potion boil the water, boil for a few minutes, to insist. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times per day.
  • 50 g of the green mixed with 200 g of walnuts, 100 g of crushed rosehips, 1 tablespoon of honey, 300 ml of red wine. Insist night in a glass container about 20 days. Take 1 tbsp. a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use parsley daily as condiment in salads, first dishes.


The plant contains many substances biologically active, affect the male body in a holistic manner.


Lemongrass stimulates the production of hormones, improving libido, improving erection. Displays the body of toxins, cholesterol, calm the nervous system, increases immunity, rejuvenates the cells, has antioxidant properties. The composition has zinc, which directly affects the muscles of penis, it is impossible to train.


Media with the contents of lemongrass may not be taken for insomnia, nervous excitement, high blood pressure, heart problems.


To get a stable erection, prolonged sex, 5 Schizandra berries eaten 20 minutes before the sexual intercourse. Either grind the seeds into powder. Take 0.5 teaspoon twice a day before meals. Also, since lemongrass makes a delicious aromatic beverage.

  • 1 tablespoon of fruit pour 1000 ml of boiled water. Insist in 10 hours, add sugar to taste or honey. Drink the tonic throughout the day.
  • 10 g of seeds of plants pour 50 ml of vodka. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Take 30 drops 3 times a day.

Therapy ganache allowed to spend no more than 2 weeks, not to exceed the dose.

It is better to buy at the pharmacy

Plants that affect the male body in the pharmacy can offer large quantity. Increase libido, prolong the pleasure, contribute to a proper sexual relationship:

  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • grass of Dubrovnik;
  • seeds of fennel;
  • hawthorn;
  • Golden root;
  • great;
  • wise;
  • ginger.

The most common preparation of medicinal potions – pour boiled water, to insist 15 minutes. Take 50 ml three times per day.

Effective recipes:

  • If you have problems with the power associated with the depletion of the nervous system, stress, tension, can be bought in the pharmacy of peppermint, lemon, melissa, chamomile. It is allowed to mix these components in equal proportions. Plants relieve spasm to help relax, promote the blood flow to the sex organ.
  • You can buy the remedy, increase the potency to the grocery store – green tea. Just choose the high quality products. Drinking a high amount of zinc, which directly affects the production of sex hormones, the condition of the muscles of the penis. Drinking tea is allowed no more than 4 cups a day, to soak it needs no more than 20 minutes. If not, increase the amount of caffeine, the opposite effect occurs.
  • Benefits of male impotence cumin seeds. Pulverized in a coffee grinder, 1 teaspoon mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Take three times a day. The same number of seeds mixed with yolk of egg, take 1 every morning before Breakfast.
  • Root galangal has a positive effect on the heart, blood vessels, the muscles of the penis. 1 tablespoon crushed root pour 200 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, to insist half an hour. Take 50 ml three times a day.
treatment of potency herbs

Remedies based on plants are used to eliminate the problems, avoid.